True sustainability can be achieved in the holistic amalgamation of all aspects of ‘NATURE’ – energy, water, use of local materials and a deep understanding of sociology and the regional context.

The site is hallowed. It is nestled under Lohgarh fort and surrounded by 2 other forts of Shivaji as well as the old Buddhist caves at Karla. Our practice has intrinsically integrated our past and regional context with the contemporary through the paradigms of ‘ecology’ and ‘spirit’.

We wanted to establish a direct relationship with Lohgarh fort, almost as if part of the original fort had been built on a raised spur (hill) just under the fort. The ‘axial’ planning of the proposed Resort aligns itself with the fort and in a way establishes a sense of continuity with the fort. This hill feature is the highest on the site and is privy to stunning 3600 vistas.

The ‘Public Area’ zone has been conceptualized as a formal stepped garden lay-out with the lobby / out-door deck perched at one end of the plateau (overlooking the fort and Pawna lake) and generating an axis high-lighted by a stepped water channel that culminates in the library / leisure block. Placed mid-way are two court-yards: one housing the Bar / Shop and the other being access to the spa/ pool. The ‘Bar’ court yields to the 24 X 7 and specialty dining areas placed at a lower level which is the same level as the placement of the Banquet / Cafe facilities. A central kitchen straddles all the major F & B areas and also connects via Golf court service access to the Rooms and Villas.

All guest circulation viz. Lobby / Banquet is through a separate gate and entrance. Services are completely segregated and a private entrance has been provided for the Bungalows.

To accentuate and bring into sharper focus the sense of ‘heritage’ and ‘place’ elements like retaining walls built using large stone blocks (reminiscent of the fort architecture) stand alone load-bearing stone pavilions, a watch tower and a potion of ‘old stone foundation’ viewed through a part-glass floor in the lobby area can be contemplated. This would lift the aesthetic of the complex to a completely different level.

  • Taj Hotels
  • Lohgarh, Lonavala, Maharashtra
  • 1,63,200 sq.ft.
  • None
  • Design Competition
  • Kamal Malik, Arjun Malik, Ketan Chaudhary, Karish Pannakal, Payal Hundiwala
  • None